Leverage Local & Voic Search to Improve Your Business’ Online Visibiliy

Chris Hood
3 min readApr 8, 2023

In today’s digital age, online visibility is crucial for the success of businesses, both big and small. With consumers increasingly relying on the internet to search for products and services, having a strong online presence can make or break a business. For local businesses particularly, online visibility plays a key role in attracting foot traffic and increasing phone inquiries. As the competition gets tougher, it becomes imperative for business owners to invest in optimizing their online presence to stay ahead in the game.

Fortunately, there are reliable and cost-effective tools available that can significantly improve a business’s online visibility without breaking the bank. Platforms such as Google My Business, Bing Places for Business, and voice search assistants like Siri and Alexa can help you reach potential customers more effectively. By leveraging these tools, business owners can enhance their online presence and amplify their reach to a wider audience. This, in turn, can lead to increased foot traffic, more phone calls, and ultimately, greater revenue. The following step-by-step guide will walk you through the process of optimizing your business’s local listings using Google My Business, Bing Places for Business, and voice search.

  1. Claim your business on Google My Business and Bing Places for Business: Start by claiming your business on these platforms by creating an account with your business details. Make sure to verify your business to ensure that your customers can easily find it.
  2. Optimize your business profile: After claiming your business, optimize your profile by filling out all the necessary information such as your business hours, phone number, address, website, and description. This information helps customers find your business easily and accurately.
  3. Add photos and videos: Adding photos and videos to your business profile helps customers visualize your business and what it offers. Make sure to add high-quality images and videos that showcase your products, services, and overall atmosphere.
  4. Encourage customer reviews: Encourage your customers to leave reviews on Google My Business and Bing Places for Business. Positive reviews can improve your business’ local rankings and attract more customers. Respond to all customer reviews, both positive and negative, to show that you value their feedback.
  5. Use voice search optimization: With the rise of voice search, it’s important to optimize your business’ local listings for voice search queries. Use natural language in your business description and include long-tail keywords that customers are likely to use in their voice searches.
  6. Use schema markup: Schema markup is a code that helps search engines understand the content on your website. Use schema markup to add important information about your business such as your business name, address, phone number, and hours of operation.
  7. Monitor your local listings: Regularly monitor your business’ local listings on Google My Business and Bing Places for Business. Make sure to update your information as needed and respond to any customer inquiries or reviews promptly.

By following these steps, you can improve your business’ local listings and attract more customers through both traditional and voice search channels.

Need help? The Conversion Mill is a digital marketing agency that specializes in helping small businesses meet their revenue goals through effective online marketing strategies, is available for those who need additional help. Contact us today to learn more about their services and how they can help your business grow!



Chris Hood

Founder/CEO of The Conversion Mill, a digital marketing agency passionate about growing revenue for small businesses https://www.theconversionmill.com